Approve Multiple Invoices with Mass Update

Once you “Mark as Delivered” on an order, it moves from Orders to Invoices. This means that “Mark as Delivered” is done under Orders, while “Approve for Payment” is done separately under Invoices.

In Forager, you can do mass updates which allows you to approve multiple invoices at once. In this scenario, you can mark your deliveries throughout the day, and then go into invoices and approve all new invoices in one step. Note, you will want to confirm that all new invoices are ready to be approved as this process cannot be undone.

Step One)

Go into the invoice’s menu option, and click on the “New” tab. This will show all orders that have been marked as delivered and become new invoices.

Step 2)

You can click on the checkbox at the top left of the invoice listing to select all the new invoices.

Step 3) 

Click the “Mark” button at the top right of the listing to bring up the drop down menu, and then select “Approve”.

Step 4)

The system will prompt you with a warning message to confirm the update. Click “Mark as approved”.

Step 5) 

All invoices have now been approved and can be scheduled for payment or paid off platform.

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