Export Order and Order Item Data

Need to export your order data as a CSV file? You can! You can export data from both the Order and Invoice pages. 

To export the order data:

  • Click the checkbox to the left of those items that you want to export.
  • Click the blue "Export" button at the top right of the window. 
  • From the drop down, select whether you want to export order data or order item data. 
  • The file will automatically download.

You have two export options:

  • Order Data will export the following fields: order status, order id, order date, supplier, order subtotal, order discount, order total, payment method, requested delivery date, recorded delivery date, invoice due date, eft scheduled date, and payment date.
  • Order Item Data will export the following fields: order id, supplier, category, product name, product id, product description, quantity, case size unit, price, total, requested delivery date, recorded delivery date, invoice due date, eft scheduled date, and payment date.

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