Supplier Types: On-Platform and Off-Platform

You can have two type of suppliers in Forager: 

On-Platform Suppliers sign up to join Forager and they setup and manage their own product lists in Forager's Availability Manager. This option is a good fit for those suppliers that have product lists and availability that change frequently.

Off-Platform Suppliers do not need to join Forager. They are setup in Forager based on the buyer's previous order history. This option is a good fit for suppliers that have product lists with consistent availability and who are already receiving orders via email. The only change for these suppliers is that their email orders will come from

These two types of suppliers will be distinguished in Forager by a colored leaf icon:

A green leaf icon indicates an On Platform Supplier. The leaf icon will appear to the left of the supplier name when doing a product search or on your My Suppliers page.

A gray leaf icon indicates an Off Platform Supplier. The leaf icon will appear to the left of the supplier name when doing a product search or on your My Suppliers page.

In addition, on your products page, you can search the following tabs:

  • All - Shows you all available product from all connected suppliers both on-platform and off-platform.
  • Favorite - Shows all product that has been starred as favorites. This is good for your most frequently ordered product list.
  • New - Shows any product that has been identified as new by the supplier. Anything selected as new will display for 7 days in this tab.
  • On-Platform - Shows all product available from your on-platform suppliers.
  • Off-Platform - Shows all product available from your off-platform suppliers.

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